Throw back photos of when we covered the Chieftaincy title conferment of Niger Delta Philanthropist, Dr. Mrs. Alamieyesiegha Nice

Throw back photos of when we covered the Chieftaincy title conferment of Niger Delta Philanthropist, Dr. Mrs. Alamieyesiegha Nice

She was conferred with the chieftaincy title of Ebimie-Ere, by the Ebenanaowei of Ogboin-Ebe Clan, King Oweipa Jones Ere – III, in Amassoma, Bayelsa on 8th June, 2024

The Chieftaincy title conferement was part of activities marking the 20th anniversary of King Oweipa Jones Ere – III, on the throne

Who is Alamieyeseigha Nice;

High Chief (Dr) Mrs Aleruchi Nice Toboulayefa Alamieyeseigha is widely known for her philanthropic contributions. She is the Founder of Nice Esther Alamieyeseigha Rescue Initiative and Nice Esther for All Foundation

Over the decade, these NGO’s have catered for the aged ones, widows, Physically challenged and Orphans in the Niger Delta region

Because of her Godly Character, she has been described by many as the Mother Thereasa of our time

NigerDelta vanguard

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